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Radio Interview with James Van Praagh

Radio Interview with James Van Praagh

May 12, 2015


Donna David Scotland-300pxDonna Eden and David Feinstein

"Talking To Spirit" on Hay House Radio

Join James Van Praagh for a lively and insightful interview with Donna and David on his Hay House Radio Show. Donna and David recently interviewed James on their Energies of Love Relationship Series, and now it's James' turn to interview D&D!

In this interview, Donna and David, will talk about applying Energy Medicine to relationships as discussed in their new book, The ENERGIES of LOVE. And as usual, when the three of them get together, the conversation promises to be "out of this world".

May 12
11:00 a.m. PDT

Click Here to Register

james-vanpraaghJames Van Praagh

James Van Praagh is one of the world's most celebrated and respected spiritual mediums working today and has been a pioneer in bringing the subject of "communication with the dead" into the public psyche. He is known as a "survival evidence medium," meaning that he provides evidential proof of life after death via detailed messages.