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15th Annual International Energy Psychology Conference

15th Annual International Energy Psychology Conference

May 30 - June 02, 2013

Reston, Virginia, United States

Join David and Other Leading Edge Thinkers at the World's Premiere Annual Energy Psychology Conference

Hosted by the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP)


David Feinstein, Ph.D., will be presenting:

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Evening Keynote:
What Does ENERGY Have to Do with Energy Psychology?
7:30 pm - 9:30 pm

Preconference Seminar:
EP with Attachment Issues: Effective Interventions
with Couples

9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Class Details Below


David Feinstein, Ph.D.,is a clinical psychologist and one of the foremost thought leaders in the field of Energy Psychology.

Other presenters include Joan Borysenko, William Tiller, Roger Jahnke, Eben Alexander, and many other great contributors to the field of Energy Psychology.


What Does ENERGY Have to Do
with Energy Psychology?
Energy Psychology for Couples


15th International Energy Psychology Conf Banner


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Register by February 11th
and save up to $150.

Continuing Education Credits Available!

Visit the Conference Website for Registration Details and More

Conference Brochure

Hyatt Regency Reston
1800 Presidents Street
Reston, VA 20190


EP with Attachment Issues: Effective Interventions with Couples

David Feinstein, PhD

Thursday, May 30, 2013

9:00am - 5:00pm

Energy psychology provides powerful tools for intervening at critical junctures in couple therapy, making the process more rapid and effective. Acupuncture point stimulation can, for instance, be applied to neutralize the emotional charge of formative childhood experiences with caregivers. This allows the past to be recognized, accepted, and emotionally resolved so that internal intimacy models based on those experiences can be revised, a primary goal of attachment-based therapies.

The approach can also be used to teach improved self-regulation by shifting the underlying dynamics of recurring tensions or neutralizing one partner’s emotional charge to the other partner’s triggering behaviors. With each partner’s involvement in the other's work, the process also provides each with models and direct experiences in differentiation as well as in forming a “collaborative alliance” with empathic attunement, acceptance, and validation. The partners also become proficient within just a few energy psychology sessions to, on a self-help basis, regulate emotions and interrupt dysfunctional patterns as they are occurring.

Evening Keynote: David Feinstein, PhD

What Does ENERGY Have to Do with Energy Psychology?

Thursday, May 30, 2013

7:30pm - 9:30pm

(This special evening presentation has a fee of $30. However, it is free if you are attending a one-day preconference workshop)

As research establishes that energy psychology protocols provide rapid and effective treatments for a range of disorders, the question “If it works, how does it work?” becomes more prominent. The term “energy” in the method’s name and explanatory models has, in particular, led to criticism, conceptual confusion, and skepticism about mobilizing vague forms of energy for healing.

This talk will examine how tapping on acupoints rapidly addresses psychological problems and bring participants to the forefront of the latest developments in understanding the mechanisms of EP treatments.

Three of the mechanisms explored involve the influence of acupoint tapping on neural activity as it: 1) generates electromagnetic signals that reduce arousal in the amygdala; 2) produces delta waves that disrupt fear pathways; and 3) impacts the “organizing fields” that regulate the way the brain processes information.